Who does not know faceebook? This social networking site to absorb a lot of user from the bottom to the top. But have you knew that facebook also can not guarantee the security of your data? here's some tricks to secure your facebook account.

  1. Avoid facebook login from http://www.facebook.com/
    Page is not encrypted. Your login information (email and password) should be encrypted. Because the login form is in the login frame, users can not see if their data is encrypted or not.
    Another way to know whether the web page is secure enough is to see a padlock sign on the right bottom of the screen. Sample image that there is no sign.
  2. Make facebook login from https: / / login.facebook.com / login.php? Login_attempt = 1
    When you log in from http://www.facebook.com, click the login button without entering your email and password.
    You will be automatically redirected to the login page that has been encrypted.
    You can check the login page that has been encrypted, look for the padlock sign at the right bottom of the browser, such as in the picture below.
  3. Do NOT continue with the login process if there is a warning / safety signs.
    If you click Yes, there may be bad people who want to attack the encrypted page (this can be happen even in the https session ). If you click Yes, press ESC key on your keyboard to stop the login process.
  4. DO NOT forget to logout (Valid for all things related to the login session)
    If you are not using your own computer (as in the cafe), closing the browser without logout will leave the login session that can be used by other people. I find a lot of this in front of the Computer in the cafe.
  5. DO NOT Using Operating system to open and work with administrator privileges. Surfing on the Internet, open email, photos, documents and other activities should not use the user account with administrator privileges. The action was very dangerous! Unfortunately, the majority of computer users work with administrator privileges.
    So it's the computer user (except administrators), should use the Guest account if you want to work in the operating system environment.
  6. Beware of the danger of Facebook Widgets.
    Some Widget on facebook, is an application made by third parties, and allows the programmer to access the sensitive widget information or install spyware on the target computer. One of them who have ever appeared in the Facebook application is: Secret Crush attack the Facebook user data.
  7. Beware of the computer that is not secure.
    Computers that are not safe here in the understanding that the computer is not have patch, have not anti-virus update, or infected by malware. Computers infected by the worm Koobface (koob = books), or Keylogger malware that steals user passwords.
  8. Be careful with the internet Wi-Fi connection that you use.
    Facebook login process is encrypted using SSL / TLS (https). Your Facebook cookies can easily be taken from the air. Wi-Fi that protected with WEP encryption can easily be infiltrated in a maximum of 10 minutes. The bad people can set up an access point Wi-Fi for free, he will provide free access, so that people can see all of your internet activity, including the Facebook cookie. Do not store personal or sensitive information on Facebook.
  9. Think safety first before you click anything.
    Clicking the website link in the Facebook Wall is a risk. The wicked and malware (malicious) that spread like Koobface, they use Facebook Wall for post a bad website link.

Always to update your operating system, and also with Antivirus update.

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