Jerusalem - One technology company in Israel develop tools namely Bull Connect as a tool to detect Influenza A (Flu Pigs) and the diseases that come from other animals before the disease spread more widely.

This revolutionary technology can monitor the condition and health of pigs from a set distance.According to Sharon Soustiel, Head of Plans CartaSense, the system that exists on the device can detect the disease and find out which areas should be isolated.

"With this technology, I can know exactly when the possibility of epidemic spread. I was able to monitor the spread of the disease and isolate areas that are potential disease as soon as possible," said Sharon, as quoted by the Times of India, on Monday (5 / 4 / 2009).

Initially, this technology is used to monitor the group of livestock animals. However, since the spreading of influenza A virus in Mexico, then the tool is developed and updated again so that it can also be used to detect the virus of influenza A.

Given the needs of high-technology handling for Influenza A at this time, the creator of the Bull Connect hope this tool will be in demand in the market hard in the time period of less than one year.

This tool, said Sharon, equipped with a sensor placed in the ear of each animal livestock. This sensor will monitor the body temperature, heart rate tap, respiratory rate, and location of the animal's existence.

"With all the information to know the physical condition of each animal, can be known if the animal is sick or not. This tool is also equipped with a wireless network to connect the information with the animal center," he said.

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